Reply To: Transition group not running


Hi Leonardo,

Thanks for the reply and sorry for the delay. I am running version 2.2.
Can you expand more on what you mean by the non-zero probabilities for your transitions?

I recieved this error
ST-Sim Runtime: At least one Transition Target has been defined with a non-primary Transition Group.

I googled and found this response
“Hi David,

Based on your version and this message it looks like you have either assigned a target to an individual transition type that already belongs to a transition simulation group or you have assigned the target to a transition group that is not defined as a transition simulation group.

If your target is assigned against a transition type, i.e, in the Transition Targets you have selected something like “Thinning [Type]” as the Transition Type/Group, then:
1. Check what transition groups this type belongs to under Definitions | Transitions | Advanced | Transition Types by Group
2. Next check if any of the groups this type is assigned to is a “Transition Simulation Group” under Definitions | Transitions | Advanced | Transition Simulation Groups If they are there then the target should either be assigned to this transition simulation group or the Transition type needs to be removed from this group, or the transition group needs to be removed from the transition simulation groups.

If your target is assigned against a Transition Group, i.e, something like “All Thinning Transitions” then be sure that the group contains all of the transition types that you want the target to apply to under Definitions | Transitions | Advanced | Transition Types by Group and be sure that the Transition Group is assigned as a Transition Simulation Group under Definitions | Transitions | Advanced | Transition Simulation Groups.

If you are still having challenges with your targets after this you could send me your library and I can take a look.


I think this is my problem too, but not sure how to fix it. In the last paragraph of your response you state ”
If your target is assigned against a Transition Group, i.e, something like “All Thinning Transitions” then be sure that the group contains all of the transition types that you want the target to apply” I am not sure what you mean by “Against a transition group”

I have transition groups, transition types by group, and transition simulation group. Any advice helps.
