Reply To: Displaying and exporting all transition pathway diagrams just in one screen


The information shown on the various pathway diagrams is provided in tabular format on the last 2 tabs (labelled “States” and “Transitions”) at the bottom of the Transition Pathways screen. The various diagrams simply provide a graphical way of viewing the data on these 2 tabs. All of the data, across all of the Pathway Diagrams, is in fact found on these 2 tabs. To export the pathway diagrams, you can open the States tab, right click and select Export All. This will allow you to export the information regarding your states (i.e. boxes) to Excel or CSV. Next you can open the Transitions tab and repeat these same steps to also export the information regarding your Transitions (i.e. arrows). In both cases this will export all of the pathway diagram information. The information pertaining to the “All Strata” diagram is found in the rows that have blank values for the Primary Stratum field (which by default is labelled as “Vegetation Type”) in these 2 tables.