Reply To: Inputting rasters – constraints and drivers


More information on how to work with the supplementary files provided with the paper: Daniel et al 2016. Methods Ecol Evol. State-and-transition simulation models – a framework for forecasting landscape change.
The ST-Sim files associated with this paper can be downloaded from the DRYAD repository at:

You will need to use SyncroSim version 1.0.13 in order to open the .ssim file associated with this paper. You can access older versions of SyncroSim by navigating part way down the download page on

Alternatively, you can download a more recent set of ST-Sim files associated with the paper: Daniel et al 2018. Meth Ecol Evol. Integrating continuous stocks and flows into state-and-transition simulation models of landscape change.
These files contain the same model as in the previous paper (with some additions for carbon dynamics) and will run with the current version of SyncroSim. You can find these files on DRYAD at: