Reply To: Increasing number of digits displayed in transition screen


Hi David,
There is a way to manually configure this using the module.config xml file for ST-Sim.

For version 2.0.44 the latest full release, this file is found in \Users\[user name]\Documents\SyncroSim\Modules\stsim\module.config

navigate to the line that looks like this (line 364 in version 3.1.44 of stsim):

column name=”Probability” dataType=”Double” validationType=”Decimal” allowDbNull=”False”/

and add the following column attribute: format=”N8″ so that the line now looks like this:

column name=”Probability” dataType=”Double” validationType=”Decimal” allowDbNull=”False” format=”N8″/

This will make the field show 8 decimal places. If you want more decimal places simply replace the 8 with the value that you want.

Note that in future the directory for these config files will be:
\Users\[user name]\Documents\SyncroSim\Packages\stsim\package.config

We will consider in future making the number of decimal places visible configurable via the UI.


  • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by leonardo-fridleonardo-frid.