Reply To: Database w/ many models, but need to run them individually


There are a number of ways in which this could be done.  The simplest would be to copy the scenario that has pathways specified for all 21 models, delete the initial conditions for the 20 you don’t want to run and rename it for the specific stratum that you are running.  To do this you can follow these steps:


1. In the project explorer right click on the scenario that has 21 strata (models) and select Copy


2.  Right Click on the folder that holds that scenario and select Paste


3. Right click on the copy of the scenraio and select Rename.  Rename the scenario to specify the stratum you want to run.


4. Right click on the scenario again and select Open.


5. Navigate to the Initial Conditions tab, right click on the grid and select Export All.


6.  Save the excel file on a location of your choice and it when it appears on your task bar open it.


7.  Filter for all strata except the one you want to run and delete their initial conditions records.  Remove the filter.


8.  Save the excel file and note it’s name and location.


9. Return to the Initial Conditions tab in Path for the scenario that you want to sun a single stratum for and right click on the grid again.  Select Import and navigate to the excel file you just edited.Open it and when prompted select Overwrite.


10. There will be only initial conditions for the selected stratum only.  You can now run this scenario and it will only run your selected model.  You can repeat this for any model you want to run individually.


11.  A more advanced approach for this would be to create a scanario with only pathways and a scenario with only initial conditions for each of the models you want to run individually.  You can then use dependencies to combine each set of initial conditions with your single set of pathways.