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Are primary strata dynamic in ST-Sim?

Syncrosim Forums ST-Sim & State-and-Transition Simulation Models Are primary strata dynamic in ST-Sim?

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  • #21009

    A question I received recently from an ST-Sim user:
    A team of us have been working on a climate-change informed ST-Sim model. I have built a test non-spatial model that has transitions moving across Ecological Response Units (the primary stratum). That model seems to work fine and the ERUs change over time as I’d expect. We would like to try a spatial model that does the same thing so we can use spatial adjacency multipliers and other spatial data to help refine the model. So, can ST-Sim actually start with a revised ERU (primary stratum) for each timestep based on changes in ERU from the previous time step or is the primary stratum grid fixed?

    ANSWER: The primary stratum grid is dynamic so your proposed solution will work.

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