Bug and workaround: Maps sometimes not displaying or displaying incorrectly

Deliver geospatial models direct to decision makers with SyncroSim Forums ST-Sim & State-and-Transition Simulation Models Bug and workaround: Maps sometimes not displaying or displaying incorrectly

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  • #20634

    Recently two ST-Sim users contacted me about ST-Sim output maps displaying as empty or displaying incorrectly in the SyncroSim Windows Interface. It appears that in these two instances, the temporary map cache used to speed up map rendering has gone out of sync with the model outputs in the database. We are currently trying to understand under which use cases this problem occurs so that we can resolve the bug. In the meantime, if you run into this problem, a workaround is to delete the temporary folder that contains the map cache. This folder is typically found at [Library Location]/[Library Name].ssim.temp. Deleting this folder will initially slow down the rendering of new maps and charts but should resolve the problem of maps being displayed incorrectly.

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