Copying a model with only a subset of strata from one library to another

Deliver geospatial models direct to decision makers with SyncroSim Forums ST-Sim & State-and-Transition Simulation Models Copying a model with only a subset of strata from one library to another

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  • #4217

    I recently had an inquiry from someone working in ST-Sim version 3.0 wanting to know an easy way to copy a model with only a subset of strata from one library to another. The following steps should accomplish this:

    1. Create a new Library File | New Library… or open an existing one File | Open Library… that you want to paste the model with a subset of strata to.
    2. Right click on the scenario you want to copy ans select Copy from the context menu
    3. Left click on the destination Library to highlight it.
    4. From the main menu select Edit | Paste Strata…
    5. In the window that appears select the strata you want to copy over and click OK
    6. Note that both the scenario and source project will be copied over.
    7. Only the records for the selected strata will come across in the new project and scenario.

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