Defining development polygons in a spatial ST-Sim run

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  • #1691

    Question from a model user:



     I’m interested in running a scenario in ST-Sim where I have a polygon where development will occur. How exactly would I set that up? Would I import a planning zone file? Would I import the transition spatial multiplier file?

    Also, I do not want the "development" transition to occur anywhere except in the cells falling within the development polygon – so how do I add that transition? Would I create a "development" transition pathway for all states (where "to class" = "developed") and give it a probability of 0?




    1. Under "Project Definitions | Transition Types" create a "Development" transition type.
    2. Under “Project Definitions | Transition Groups” create a “Development” transition group.
    3.  Under “Project Definitions | Transition Types by Group” add a record for the development type and group. Set the "Primary" field to "Yes".
    4. Create pathways for development transitions for each state class in your model.  You will need to add a “developed” state class if you have not already done so. The probability for these pathways should be greater than zero.
    5. Create a development spatial multiplier raster GeoTIFF file.  This is a single band floating point GoeTIFF raster that overlays exactly with your spatial initial condition raster files. Each cell where development is allowed should have a value of 1.  Each cell where development is not allowed should have a value of 0. Note that you can actually use values other than zero or 1 if you want development to be more probable for some cells than others.
    6. Load the file into ST-Sim using the “Advanced | Transitions Spatial | Spatial Multipliers” property.
    7. To determine how much development happens each timestep you can use area targets or transition multipliers.

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