No data found in CSV file

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  • #4902
    Taylor MutchTaylor Mutch

    Hi Folks,

    I am using the command line to import transition spatial multipliers. My setup is in such a way that it is sometimes necessary to remove transition spatial multipliers from a scenario. However, when I attempt to do this by importing an empty CSV with the proper columns, I get the error ‘No data found in the CSV file.’ While I recognize that this is intentional and probably not what the intended use case for importing data in the command line is for, this is my current workflow. Is there a way that I could somehow ‘reset’ the transition spatial multiplier table to have zero transition spatial multipliers for a particular scenario from the command line?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Taylor Mutch

    Taylor MutchTaylor Mutch

    Also I am using a somewhat older version (with plans to upgrade when funds allow us to do so)
    version =


    Hi Taylor,

    This is a bug in version 1.0 of SyncroSim. It will be resolved in the upcoming version 2.0 to be released in the next few weeks.


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