scenario run failure: "an item with the same key has already been added"

Deliver geospatial models direct to decision makers with SyncroSim Forums ST-Sim & State-and-Transition Simulation Models scenario run failure: "an item with the same key has already been added"

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  • #1609

    Hello all,

    I have a series of scenarios set up in Path, with varying management treatments. For one of these scenarios, I realized that one of the dependencies that I included was the wrong one, and so had swapped it out for the intended sub-scenario. When I attempted to run it again, I got the following error:

    [Failure] Model Builder An item with the same key has already been added.

    I had run that scenario previously (with the incorrect sub-scenario), it had run just fine, and I had deleted the old results before running the revised scenario.

    Has anyone come across this error before? If so, do you have any suggestions on what might be the problem?



    Hi Steven,

    Can you please post your database to ftp or zip and e-mail it to me and I will have a look.

    Also – please let me know what version of Path you are running.



    Hi Leonardo,

    I’ve posted a zip file at the ESSA FTP site. I reverted back to and updated an older backup of my database and the problem did NOT recur. But it might be useful to know what DID cause the problem, whether a glitch or my own error, etc., and how it might be corrected, hence I posted the problem database just in case. And I’m working in v. 3.1.0 of Path.

    Thanks for your help!


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