ST-Sim start time step after initial conditions

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    I am embarrassed by the following simple question I should know the answer to, but it came up during the Australian training and I was uncertain about the answer. If my Initial Conditions maps in ST-Sim are in 2010, do I need transition multipliers and external variables staring in 2010 or 2011? My understanding is that simulations really start in 2011. Also, does this mean that Run Control’s starting timestep is 2011, but not 2010? The old St-Sim I updated started in 2010, which I do not think correct. If 2010 is the answer, then I need to invest some time fixing things so I hope the answer is 2011. Thanks for your time.


    Hi Louis,
    If your initial conditions are for 2010, then yes, you are correct that you do not need to start setting inputs for transition multipliers until 2011, no transitions will take place for the 2010 timestep.

    For Run Control, your Start year should be set to 2010. This represents Timestep 0 which is not simulated.
    Transitions will begin to be simulated for the next timestep, in your case 2011. If you then view state outputs for your model for 2010, they should exactly match your initial conditions.


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