The patch prioritization: smallest or largest (transition edge only)

Deliver geospatial models direct to decision makers with SyncroSim Forums ST-Sim & State-and-Transition Simulation Models The patch prioritization: smallest or largest (transition edge only)

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  • #4824

    Dear SyncroSim founders and developers,
    I have a transition type (for example harvest) that it is responsible for changing all states of my landscape but with different transition probabilities for each pathway. When the configuration of the patch prioritization property is set up for smallest or largest (transition edge only) given this transition type, the transition strategy only selects a few cells (in the form of a line) of only my landscape edge for transition target not the edges of states. I was wondering if you let me know what reason (s) might be behind of this issue?
    Thanks in advance for any your response.


    Hi Habibzadeh,

    The reason you are seeing only cells on the edges of your landscape transition is because, as stated in the documentation (, “A patch is defined as a group of contiguous cells that are all eligible for transitioning by a transition group.” Since you state that all cells are eligible for the transition, your entire landscape represents a single patch.


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