what is the "non-primary transition"

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    There is the warning messege when I run the STSMs : At least one Transition Target has been defined with a non-primary Transition Group.
    I do not understand the “primary transition” and “non-primary transition”. What should I do to workthrough this error? Much appreciated!


    Primary transition groups are defined under the Project Properties on the screen for Transitions | Transition Types by Group.

    You can learn more about primary transition groups here: https://syncrosim.com/index.php?title=Project_definitions#Transitions

    For spatial simulations, area targets cannot be set for non-primary transition groups because the model simulates transition events according to primary groups only.


    Picking up a old thread. I have received this message also. I can’t find where in the interface to set primary transition group. The link provided above is not working. I couldn’t find any reference to primary transition groups here either. http://docs.stsim.net/reference/properties.html

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