Deliver geospatial models direct to decision makers with SyncroSim › Forums › ST-Sim & State-and-Transition Simulation Models › What is the name of the Initial Conditions Distribution table in R › Reply To: What is the name of the Initial Conditions Distribution table in R
Hi Colin,
I’m still having trouble. I’ve included my code below in case this helps. In ST-Sim the initial conditions distribution table for this library has 10-20 rows of data w/ the initial conditions for 5 different stratum.
Thanks, Kori
> library(rsyncrosim)
> # Specify the location of the SyncroSim program on computer
> programFolder = “C:/Program Files/SyncroSim”
> Ses = session(programFolder)
> module(Ses)
name displayName version
1 dgsim Demographic Population 2.1.13
2 stsim ST-Sim State and Transition 3.1.16
3 stsim-ecodep ST-Sim Ecological Departure Add-On 3.1.16
4 stsim-stockflow ST-Sim Stocks and Flows Add-On 3.1.16
> # Set working directory to the location of the STSim library
> setwd(“C:/Users/kblankenship/Documents/aLANDFIRE/MODELING/SynchroSim2/LFMaster”)
> # Specify the library, project and scenario
> Lib = ssimLibrary(name=”practice5.ssim”, model=”stsim”, session=Ses)
> Prj = project(Lib, project=”BpSModels”)
> Scn = scenario(Prj, 1)
> datasheet(Scn, “STSim_InitialConditionsNonSpatialDistribution”)
[1] StratumID StateClassID AgeMin AgeMax RelativeAmount
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)