Error: The given key was not present in the dictionary

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  • #22326

    An ST-Sim user recently reported the following error when opening an ST-Sim SF library with the latest stable release of SyncroSim (v.2.4.18):

    Error opening Library ‘Name’.
    The given key was not present in the dictionary.
    Please update the SyncroSim software and all of the Library’s Packages to their latest versions and try again.

    The issue was resolved by updating to the latest ST-Sim and ST-Sim SF packages. In this case, the error was related to a bug that had been fixed recently in ST-Sim v.3.3.13. The specific bug was an issue in generating average spatial transition probabilities when transition group output filters are enabled for Spatial but not Spatial Probability. The error, “The given key was not present in the dictionary.” happens when a user requests Average Spatial Transition Probabilities and has output filters turned on for a transition group with Spatial Output set to Yes but Spatial Probability set to No.

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