International users – error "The maximum percentile range is not valid"

Deliver geospatial models direct to decision makers with SyncroSim Forums ST-Sim & State-and-Transition Simulation Models International users – error "The maximum percentile range is not valid"

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  • #4405

    We recently discovered that SyncroSim (and thus ST-Sim) does not work properly if the Windows Regional settings are set to represent decimal values using commas (instead of the North American standard of using points). In particular, if you try to generate a Chart you will get the following error message: “The maximum percentile range is not valid”.

    We are working to resolve this issue. In the interim, you can resolve the issue by going to the Region settings in the Windows Control Panel and either: (1) change the Format to one that uses points for decimals (e.g. English (United States)), or (2) change the Decimal Symbol from a comma to a point.


    One additional note on this error is that after changing the Region settings, you may be required to rerun scenarios and recreate charts.

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