I have an unusual but necessary question. I am using PATH 4.2 and I am exporting the summaries for each model run to CSV files. Because my landscape is divided into 100s of models, I am aggregating the summary results of all the runs into a single CSV using an R script. I was wondering if someone could tell me the field (column) names of the summary CSV files for PATH 3.1 and PATH 4.2. The story is long as to why I need this (I can explain off-line if desired), but this is basically the information I need in order to migrate the R script which was developed for PATH 3.1.
Can anyone help me? I could not find manuals for 3.1 or 4.2, and I have output from 4.2 so I know the column names. I just need to crosswalk these two so I can update the R script. I can talk off-line too.
Thank you–so much!