Output CSVs from model runs (column definitions for PATH)

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  • #1669

    I have an unusual but necessary question. I am using PATH 4.2 and I am exporting the summaries for each model run to CSV files. Because my landscape is divided into 100s of models, I am aggregating the summary results of all the runs into a single CSV using an R script. I was wondering if someone could tell me the field (column) names of the summary CSV files for PATH 3.1 and PATH 4.2. The story is long as to why I need this (I can explain off-line if desired), but this is basically the information I need in order to migrate the R script which was developed for PATH 3.1.

    Can anyone help me? I could not find manuals for 3.1 or 4.2, and I have output from 4.2 so I know the column names. I just need to crosswalk these two so I can update the R script. I can talk off-line too.

    Thank you–so much!


    Note that Path 3.1 tracked state class and transition group codes whereas Path 4.2 does not.  It just tracks the names.  Note also that Path 4.2 can have multiple scenarios in one output file whereas Path 3.1 cannot. Here are the crosswalks for the appropriate fields.  Let me know if you have other questions.


    State Class Summary:

    3.1, 4.2

    ProjectName,  Stratum

    MC, Iteration

    Timestep, Timestep

    CTAbbr&":"&SSAbbr, State Class

    Area, Area


    Transition Summary:

    3.1, 4.2

    ProjectName, Stratum

    MC, Iteration

    Timestep, Timestep

    TransGrpName, Transition Group

    Area, Area


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