Tracking VDDT to Path Import Errors

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  • #1637

    I’m looking for an easy way to track down and resolve Path import errors. I recently imported 21 LANDFIRE models from a VDDT database into Path v. 4.2.1 and I received the error message that two of the transition types (surface and mixed fire) belonged to more than three transition groups. I tracked the issue down by opening each model individually in VDDT and reviewing the transition groups. Is there an easier way to find this information rather than opening each model individually?


    Hi Kori,


    When the error message identifies the transition type that belongs to more than three groups you can open your VDDT database in Access and run the following query using these steps:


    1.  After opening Access, on the menu ribbon select Create | Query Design


    2. On the Show Table dialog click Close


    3. On the Query Tools ribbon select SQL View


    4. Paste the following text into the query window:


    SELECT ProbabilisticTransitionGroup.Name, Project.Name, ProbabilisticTransitionType.Name FROM Project INNER JOIN (ProbabilisticTransitionType INNER JOIN (ProbabilisticTransitionGroup INNER JOIN ProbTransGroupProbTrans ON ProbabilisticTransitionGroup.ProbabilisticTransitionGroupID = ProbTransGroupProbTrans.ProbabilisticTransitionGroupID) ON ProbabilisticTransitionType.ProbabilisticTransitionTypeID = ProbTransGroupProbTrans.ProbabilisticTransitionTypeID) ON Project.ProjectID = ProbabilisticTransitionType.ProjectID

    GROUP BY ProbabilisticTransitionGroup.Name, Project.Name, ProbabilisticTransitionType.Name

    HAVING (((ProbabilisticTransitionType.Name)=[Enter TransitionType Name]))


    5. On the Query Tools ribbon click Run


    6. Enter the transition type name that the error identified (for example: Mixed Fire) and click OK


    7. You will see a table that lists all of the groups that the selected transition type belongs to and the projects in which it belongs to those groups.  If more than three groups occur in this table you will need to identify for which projects you would like to remove or rename the groups for which this transition type belongs such that the type only belongs to at most, three distinct groups in a single VDDT database prior to import.



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