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SyncroSim v2.4.39 and rsyncrosim 1.4.9 Released

A new beta release of SyncroSim (2.4.39) and CRAN release of rsyncrosim (v1.4.9) are now available.

Since the previous beta release of SyncroSim (v2.4.36), the following enhancements have been made:

  1. Updated the underlying GDAL version from v2.0.3 to v3.7.1. This update extends the set of GIS projections that SyncroSim can read and write at runtime.
  2. Metadata in a Results Scenario is now editable.
  3. Various minor bug fixes.

Since the previous CRAN release of rsyncrosim (v1.4.2), general bug fixes have been made in addition to the following major enhancements:

  1. Removed dependency on the R raster library and added support for the R terra library. As a result, the datasheetRaster() function has been deprecated and replaced with the datasheetSpatRaster() function that uses terra spatRaster objects instead of raster objects. The saveDatasheet() function can also now accept dataframes referencing terra spatRaster objects as inputs.
  2. Added new Folder class that allows users to retrieve folder data, create new folders, and move Scenarios into existing folders. Two new functions were also added for working with folders from rsyncrosim:
    • The published() function that allows a user to tag a folder for publication to the SyncroSim Cloud website.
    • The folderId() function that allows a user to assign a folder ID to a Scenario (moves the Scenario into the specified folder), or retrieve the folder ID for a Scenario or Folder object.

For more details regarding updates to the latest rsyncrosim release, read the CRAN rsyncrosim release notes here.